Dewaele real estate services © 2025

Dewaele Izegem

Dewaele Izegem
Residential real estate Commercial real estate Syndic
VAT BE 0679.481.337
biv 508 936

Opening hours


9h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 - 18h00


By appointment


9h00 - 12h30, in the afternoon only by appointment


9h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 - 18h00


9h00 - 12h30, in the afternoon only by appointment


By appointment



Team Dewaele Izegem

Bert Delhuvenne 200x200 Bert Delhuvenne

Office manager

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 508 936

Camille Godderis 200x200 Camille Godderis

Real estate agent sales

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 514 647

Jeroen Tailleu 200x200 Jeroen Taillieu

Real estate agent sales

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 514 936

Maarten De Graeve 200x200 05082024 Maarten De Graeve

Real estate agent sales

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 517 011

Eline Compernolle 200x200 Eline Compernolle

Team manager rentals and property management

Amber 200x200 Amber Vervenne

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 517 374

86179c5487144c92a010e4ea7a8210cc Siska Dejonghe

Business unit manager
Commercial real estate

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 507 015

9638f920d44e4015a6212e9f641747f4 Björn Clauw

Business makelaar

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 515 546

Charlotte Dochy 2021 200x200 Charlotte Dochy

Regional manager property management

Real estate agent - trustee

BIV 515 372

161fa79691134636b30c747907ec689d Stefaan Coucke

Managing director
Luxury real estate specialist

Real estate agent - mediator

BIV 207 218

Shutterstock 630902558

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